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Showing posts from November 8, 2019

Are you afraid of becoming a teacher? you could teach English online but first who is a teacher? are there any professional or personal characteristics to being a teacher? if so, then what are the roles and functions of a teacher in a classroom, the school and in the community?

Master of arts In Teaching - Essays in Professionalism and Commercial Teachers College Who Is A Teacher Do you want a teaching credential or you are just a master teacher with a dream to be the master of arts in teaching? I want to be a teacher or i am a teacher are some of the words echoed by my friends unlike any types of physicians, John, a sped teacher, Ethan the physics teacher and Grace one referred to as the best teacher at was at first afraid of taking the risk to be a teacher at our teachers college and institute of management. But the big mystery still remains: who exactly is a teacher? Teachers and Titles Associated As A Professional And Counselor A teacher, sometimes referred to according to the profession and professionalism such as the best teacher, the physics teacher, elementary teacher, early childhood teacher, high school teacher, elementary school teacher, master teacher, sped teacher, teaching fellow, preschool teacher, best teacher, counselors, or with a long...

5 Teaching Approaches In R.E

In order for Religious Education (RE) teachers to teach their subject effectively, they have to understand the nature of RE and the approaches that involved (Mujdrica, 1995). They have to be requires flexible. As teaching involves communication of one’s emotions, e.g. maintaining eye contact, making gestures and using symbolism to practically demonstrate ideas or concepts that the teacher wants to communicate to the learners. Teaching of Religious Education also requires improvisation and the application of complex knowledge structures across different cases and use of different approaches in order to achieve education goals. It is for this reason that teachers need to use different approaches in teaching RE in order to communicate their ideas effectively to students and for the subject to be relevant to the life experience of learners. It is for this reason that this essay seeks to discuss the different approaches in teaching Religious Education. More Writers Mudalitsa (20...

Maria Montessori – 5 Principles

The meaning of Education   According to Montessori “ child is a body which grows and a soul which develops-these two forms, physical and psychic have an eternal front, life itself. She wants each child to develop himself from within and not from without. Education should guide the process of unfolding the hidden powers of a child. In her word, “Education is the active help given to a normal expansion of the life of a child”. She continue saying that each child is different from others, physically as while as mentally. So, the child’s individuality must be respected and not suppressed through collective teaching. Each child should be bestowed individual attention and allow to grow at his own pace. Therefore, after graduation in medicine, Montessori was in-charge of the training of mental challenged children. She taught a number of such children to read and write so efficiently by adopting her special method and her previous experience acquired from the infant school in ...

Analyzing The 'Imprisonment of Obatala'

Discuss the author and settings of ‘imprisonment of Obatala’ Imprisonment of Obatala is a novel written by Obotunde Ijimere. Obotunde Ijimere was born in Otan Ayigbagu, Western Nigeria in 1930. After leaving secondary school he joined Duroladipo’s therapy company, but soon discovered that he had no talent for acting. He attended Ulli Beiers’s-extra-mural-writers workshop in Oshogbo, and followed his advance to writing in English rather than in Yoruba. Apart from the plays in this volume he has written some shirt stories (he is not very satisfied with the results) and several other plays, including one in Pidgin, the fall of man, especially written for theatre express. The Lagos-based theatre group, Chinwenma (1972). The drama is played on stage in the theatre. A mythical setting of the play is played in the forest, Savanna and at the two palaces of Obatala and Shango. And this can be confirmed by the following points from the principle text. Tjimeri (1966:3) considerate...

Guided And Unguided Composition

Background The purpose of this academic writing is to discuss guided and unguided composition, stages in composition writing and the style in writing.A composition is a piece of art or an organization of thoughts, observations and ideas. Teaching composition is an art in itself. In order that the student can write good essays, it is necessary that the students should read, read and read. Reading should include all types of books like fiction, nonfiction, travel, history and many more.   Teaching English composition involves making the student understand the importance of observation. As all knowledge does not lie hidden in the pages of a book. Definition Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'composition' as 'something that a person has created or written, especially a text, a work of art, or a piece of music, or the act of creating or writing something.' According to the Collins English Dictionary 'In language teaching, when students do guided writing ...
Psychology Importance To A Teacher Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. Education of psychology is the scientific study of learning within various educational situations. Meaning that it covers the psychology of teaching as well as the newer study of social psychology within school setting and it also focus on how teachers develop curriculum, lesson plans within their classrooms. The contribution of educational psychology to the theory and practice of education is rich and varied, the knowledge of psychology is important as it provides teachers with some basic skills and guidelines to solve the problems of teaching and learning process. The teacher should know each and every child and subject matter and also the nature, capacities, likings and aptitudes and attitudes of each child. Therefore this assignment will illustrate the importance of psychology of education in the ministry of education. Educ...