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The meaning of Education According to Montessori “ child is a body which grows and a soul which develops-these two forms, physical and psychic have an eternal front, life itself. She wants each child to develop himself from within and not from without.
should guide the process of unfolding the hidden powers of a child. In her
word, “Education is the active help given to a normal expansion of the life of
a child”. She continue saying that each child is different from others,
physically as while as mentally. So, the child’s individuality must be
respected and not suppressed through collective teaching. Each child should be
bestowed individual attention and allow to grow at his own pace.
after graduation in medicine, Montessori was in-charge of the training of
mental challenged children. She taught a number of such children to read and
write so efficiently by adopting her special method and her previous experience
acquired from the infant school in Rome.
Montessori system became an ‘education by touch’. Only methods, which
Montessori adopted to educate and train up the muscles and sense organs of the
mentally challenged children is known as Montessori Method.Hence will discuss
the five principles of education proposed by Montessori
The 5 Principles
1. Inward Development
start with, Development from within according to Montessori, the source of education of a child is within.(Montessori 1972)
this means the child has within itself certain elements of knowledge that
foster learning. For example, the language acquisition device that enables
children to learn language. Each child has got his own peculiar interest,
aptitude, capacities and endowment. Education should help the child to unfold
his individuality from within himself.
2. Child's Full Potential
to Montessori (1966), “If any education act is to be efficacious, it
will be only that which tends to help towards the complete unfolding of child’s
individuality. The child has a body which grows and a soul which develop”. So,
after recognizing the physical and mental differences of the individuals a
suitable environment should be provided to the child so as to enable him grow
and develop the potentialities that he has within him. For example, prepare an
environment suitable for children to learn different skills such as making
blocks or skills to do with counting by preparing an environment for
3. Self Education
teaching and development is another principle of education proposed by Maria
Montessori. She proposed that, “individualistic instruction based on the
physical and mental levels of individual is the key tone of Montessori’s
philosophy of education.” (Malone & Camp 2007)this might imply that each
child must be given lessons depending on their thinking and physical
attributes, for example giving difficult questions to children that think fast
and can solve tough questions while administering less tough questions to slow
learners. This is because she believes that collective teaching suppresses the
individuality which is essential for the growth and development of the child.
As in the example above, administering and attending to individual needs of the
learners is the best way to teach than giving concepts to the entire pupil’s in
class. For example, giving a test on earth geometry to all learners in class
when others do not even know the simple basics of what earth geometry is.
to (Orem 1965), “Self –education or auto education: Montessori believed that self
education is the best method by which the child can learn in his own way and at
his own speed.”Meaning that a child has the ability to learn and do things on
their own and at their own rate. For example, a child needs to be given freedom
to learn whatever appears fit and at whatever rate, a child can choose whether
to read ten pages of a book a day or just two books according to the learning
capability of the child. According to Montessori (1972)“self education is the
only true education, and should be without any interferencefrom outside.For
example, children must be free to learn about things without any kind of
restrictions from the teachers or parents.
4. Sensory Training
according to Montessori, “senses are the gateways of knowledge they occupy an
important role in a child’s education,” Scheerenberger (1983). The acquisition
of knowledge depends on the training given to the sense. For example, if the
sense of sight in a child is trained to see things related to computers, the
child will learn about computers freely and fully. She believes that mental
deficiency is due to the dullness of senses. Therefore, we should approach the
child’s mind through sense training. According to Ward (1913) “Montessori
realizes that the senses are very active between the ages of three and seven,
and that’s the maximum learning takes place during that period.” Sense
training, enables the child to recognize weight, color, sound, temperature,
touch, smell, size, and forms. Thus sense training enables the child to be
sensible and serves as the key for intellectual development.
5. Freedom or Autonomy
or liberty, Montessori is of the opinion that freedom or liberty is the birth
right of every individual she insists that there should be no interference in
the child’s in the way of the child’s growth and development. (Montessori 1912)
She stands for full freedom which is essential for the spontaneous of child. In
the words of Montessori the school must permit the free, natural, manifestations
of the child if he is to be studied in a scientific manner, she believes that
freedom and self discipline in the school insure proper development of
Writers Remarks
conclusion, this academic essay has started by giving a brief life story of
Maria Montessori. Included in this piece of writing are the five principles
that Montessori proposed in education.Her impact on educational thought and
practices in universal. It is important as a parent to consider these
principles and apply them to a child. These makes education to be more valuable
and make children interact in various ways and this helps to develops optimal
development of teaching and learning.
M. (1972)Education and PeaceHenry
Regnery Company, Chicago
M. (1966)The Discovery of the Child,Kalakshetra
Adyar, India.
Adyar, India.
M. (1966)the Secret of Childhood,Ballantine
Books, New York
R. C. (1965). A Montessori Handbook,G.
P. Putnam’s Sons, New York
R.C. (1983). A History of Mental
Brookes Publishing Co, London
Brookes Publishing Co, London
F. L. (1913). The Montessori Method
and the American School,the
Macmillan Company, New York
Macmillan Company, New York
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