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Are you afraid of becoming a teacher? you could teach English online but first who is a teacher? are there any professional or personal characteristics to being a teacher? if so, then what are the roles and functions of a teacher in a classroom, the school and in the community?

Master of arts In Teaching - Essays in Professionalism and Commercial Teachers College Who Is A Teacher Do you want a teaching credential or you are just a master teacher with a dream to be the master of arts in teaching? I want to be a teacher or i am a teacher are some of the words echoed by my friends unlike any types of physicians, John, a sped teacher, Ethan the physics teacher and Grace one referred to as the best teacher at was at first afraid of taking the risk to be a teacher at our teachers college and institute of management. But the big mystery still remains: who exactly is a teacher? Teachers and Titles Associated As A Professional And Counselor A teacher, sometimes referred to according to the profession and professionalism such as the best teacher, the physics teacher, elementary teacher, early childhood teacher, high school teacher, elementary school teacher, master teacher, sped teacher, teaching fellow, preschool teacher, best teacher, counselors, or with a long...

Guided And Unguided Composition


The purpose of this academic writing is to discuss guided and unguided composition, stages in composition writing and the style in writing.A composition is a piece of art or an organization of thoughts, observations and ideas. Teaching composition is an art in itself. In order that the student can write good essays, it is necessary that the students should read, read and read. Reading should include all types of books like fiction, nonfiction, travel, history and many more.  Teaching English composition involves making the student understand the importance of observation. As all knowledge does not lie hidden in the pages of a book.


Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'composition' as 'something that a person has created or written, especially a text, a work of art, or a piece of music, or the act of creating or writing something.' According to the Collins English Dictionary 'In language teaching, when students do guided writing activities, they are given an outline in words or pictures to help them write. 'The following is an example of guided composition : Question : Write a story based on the given outline: One day - travelling - aeroplane hostess - announced - turbulence - nausea - experience - midair - bad weather - route change -unpleasant experience - scared - flying - for life.

Teachers Role

Guided Composition

“Guided writing involves a teacher working with a group of learners on a writing task. The aims of the task are based on what they have previously been learning about the writing process” Graves (1994). Guided writing aims to support learners in this psychologically and cognitively difficult activity. Example the learners have been looking at how conjunctions are used to contrast and compare ideas. They are now writing a short discursive essay on the subject of animal experimentation. The teacher is working with the groups to guide them in the correct use of the target language. In the classroom Guided writing can be fully exploited by providing learners with the language they need to complete the task together with the teacher. For example, this may include making suggestions (‘Why do not we start by saying...?'), agreeing and disagreeing (‘That's a good idea - let's put that'), and asking for help (‘is it right to say...?').


The teacher’s role in guided writing, according to Richards (1985) is, “ascertaining and understanding students’ current writing needs is pivotal to the successful formation of a guided writing/small group writing conference”. The teacher needs to be aware of common strengths and needs the students currently possess, and form groups accordingly.Recording notes and observations during the session allows the teacher to identity areas of strength as well provide guidance for future teaching focuses. In the session, the teacher might actually engage students in some writing while supervised, or ask students to review what they have written prior to the session. In any case, the teacher should as always affirm what has been attempted and build skills and understandings from there.

Students Role

The students’ role in guided writing, according to Tompkins (2010), “as guided writing/small group writing conference is a collaborative classroom arrangement involving students and teacher, a spirit of generosity and cooperation needs to characterize these sessions”.Peer and teacher feedback on any writing attempt needs to honor the genuine communicative attempt that has been made, and suggestions should be offered in positive and constructive ways.The idea of “two stars and a wish” (two compliments followed by a constructive suggestion) is a useful template when incorporating peer feedback into the guided writing/small group writing conference session.

Unguided Composition

Unguided composition is not guided in a particular path or directionIt is Unguided ways of generating ideas do not use prompts, but generate ideas themselves. Brainstorming using free writing and listing is an unguided way of generating ideas. It can be used to: choose a topic. Identify a reason or purpose for writing.

Stages To Follow In Composition Construction

During the construction of a composition there is a stage to follow in the process of teaching English composition, when the student reads and observes he realizes that his mind is flooded with thoughts and ideas. The mind is enriched and writing becomes a natural phenomenon.

In English composition, the student when given a topic, should first start penning down his thoughts,views,observations, facts, and other details. Then he/she should organize these thoughts in such a manner that one gets a brief idea about the topic in the introduction paragraph. In the second paragraph the student writes down his thoughts in detail, giving a thorough insight into the topic. In teaching composition when the topic requires special information like for instance it is a historical topic, then the student should read for facts and details about it. He/she should give description about the country, the political scenario at that time and other details, Mackenzie (2011).

In English composition, the final concluding paragraph is of prime importance and the last stage. This should be written in such a manner that it reaches the climax subtly, having provided sufficient data and substantiation.The Department of Western Education (2013) stipulates, “a composition is written by students of every language, describing, narrating or stating facts, figures, persons and the like”. The beginner is given a guided composition to help frame thoughts and ideas to arrange them systematically. The middle grader is initiated into guided composition to help them to frame larger sentences with the smaller sentences given. 
A higher grade student is provided with unguided composition to enable the writer to formulate their own thoughts and reproduce them into intelligible sentences.To enable the early writer into writing composition, jumbled sentences are given to be organized. Hints are given at a later stage. Further, only the topic is given. The composition could be a letter, a notice, a message, a pamphlet, a telegram, an email, a story, an essay, or a précis.


“Style in writing can be defined as the way a writer writes. It is the technique that an individual author uses in his writing. It varies from author to author, and depends upon one’sSyntax, word choice, and tone. It can also be described as a “voice” that readers listen to when they read the work of a writer” Matan (1991).

4 Types Of Style

There are different types of style in writing,there are four basic literary styles used in writing. These styles distinguish the works of different authors, one from another. Here are four styles of writing:
Expository or Argumentative Style. 

Expository Style

According to Bagard (2008), “Expository writing style is a subject-oriented style”. The focus of the writer in this type of writing style is to tell the readers about a specific subject or topic, and in the end the author leaves out his own opinion about that topic. For example, if it sounds like I’m writing, then I prefer to rewrite it.

Descriptive Style

Descriptive Style. “In descriptive writing style, the author focuses on describing an event, a character or a place in detail. Sometimes, descriptive writing style is poetic in nature in, where the author specifies an event, an object, or a thing rather than merely giving information about an event that has happened” Jimmy (2001). Usually the description incorporates sensory details. For example, the deep blue color of the cat’s eyes is like ocean water on the clearest day you could ever imagine. Another example the soft hair of my cat feels silky, and her black color sparkles as it reflects sunlight.

Persuasive Style

Persuasive Style. Bambi (1987) Stipulates, “Persuasive style of writing is a category of writing in which the writer tries to give reasons and justification to make the readers believe his point of view”. The persuasive style aims to persuade and convince the readers. For example What if you vote for me? I ensure you that your taxes will be very low, the government will provide free education, and there will be equality and justice for all citizens. Cast your vote for me today.

Narrative Style

Narrative Style. “Narrative writing style is a type of writing wherein the writer narrates a story” Robert (2003). It includes short stories, novels, novellas, biographies, and poetry.For example, she hears a hoarse voice, and sees a shadow moving around the balcony. As it moves closer to her, she screams to see a gigantic wolf standing before her.

Writers Remarks

In conclusion, a composition is a piece of art or organization of thoughts, observations and ideas. The teaching of a composition writing to children is very vital so as to help the learner come up with a good essay. There are basically two types of compositions namely guided (Guided writing involves a teacher working with a group of learners on a writing task. The aims of the task are based on what they have previously been learning about the writing process) and unguided composition. Hence it is the duty of the learner to know and tell styles of writing, either expository, descriptive, persuasive or narrative composition.


Department of Education, Western Australia (2013). First steps: Writing resource book. Australia: Calkins,
Graves, D.H. (1994). A fresh look at writing. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Mackenzie, N. (2011). From drawing to writing: What happens when you shift teaching priorities in the first six months of school? Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 34 (3), 322-340.
Richard, L. (1985). The art of teaching writing. Portsmouth: Heinemann Press.
Tompkins, G.E. (2010). Literacy in the middle grades. Boston: Pearson Press.



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