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Four Approaches To Teaching RE
An approach is a teaching method comprises of the principles
and method used by teachers to enable students learns. These strategies are
determined partly on subject matter to be thought and partly by the nature of
the learner. For a particular teaching method to be appropriate and efficient
has to be in relation with the characteristic of the learner and the type of
learning. It is supposed to bring about.
In order to achieve this teaching process, there are four approaches to
teaching and studying religion in RE. Therefore this paper will discuss the
four approaches to teaching and studying RE.
These approaches include the thematic, phenomenological,
theoretical, confessional and non-confessional approaches.
According to Paivio
(1971) Thematic approach refers to various attempts by religion educators to
forge links between what is learnt and what is acted upon. This means that the
material to be taught has to be equivalent to the implementation expected from
the learners.
The Thematic approach to teaching RE is therefore important
as it takes care of both spiritual and intellectual development of the pupils.
Under thematic approach there are some themes. A theme is an idea, concept or
topic which is developed in the series of a lesson as to give a learner deeper
inside and understanding of it. The advantage of thematic approach is that it enables
pupils to study one idea for a long time thereby gaining the full and better
understanding than when they study it for a short time. The teacher focuses
their attention on the pupils on different accepts of a topic or theme so that
they acquire the wide or deeper comprehension of the issue that is involved.
There different types of RE themes. This includes a Life
theme, Biblical theme, Human experience theme and situational theme.
According to Ronald (1964), Life theme based upon real life
of a child or pupil. It relates education to life by emphasizing a total unit
of experience. A child can take the area in which she or he has first had
knowledge or matters in which they have natural interest in which a larger
amount of diavence can be explored, related together in meaningful unit and
seen at the level of religion thinking.
According to Starker (1989), Biblical theme aims in enabling
pupils to acquire systematic scriptural approach. Biblical or scriptural
stories and examples are used as starting point so that pupils on the
experiences will explain those stories. Pupils in class regards the bible and
other scriptures differently especially the young ones who will easily
misunderstand the word.
Another theme in the thematic approach is the Human
experiences theme. Michael Jean (1997), human experience themes approach to RE
involved a planned education process which seeks to a child needs interest and
experiences as a bases for achievement for basic aims and goals. These aims are
to provide a pupil with opportunities to practice the skill of reflecting his
or her experience of depths and also to develop insight into what constitute
distinctly human relationship between self and others.
Dogmatic or confessional approach assumes that the aim of
religious education is intellectual and indoctrination in the faith of religion
and the church. Abbott (1966), this assumption is often linked which believes
that any kind of religion education instruction that does not lead to
commitments and royalty to a particular or religion that is valueless or
unworthy of the name.
The word Neo means New Way meaning the Neo confession
approach generally acknowledge the need to introduce young people to the other
world religion and home religion of world syllabus.
Postman (1985) sees Phenomenological approach to the study
of religious education has been established that this approach does not stress
the acceptance of the particular faith or belief system which is the privilege
of religious bodies today, it focus on teaching the real values to all men.
Phenomenological approach is only concerned with providing information about
the practice and beliefs of a particular religion but different religion.
The aim of these Phenomenological approaches in teaching Religion
Education is to promote understanding of the nature of religion itself as a
distinctive way of I interpreting experience. Children will be able to have
full understanding of their religion and best way of getting across to each and
every situation of life. The other aim other name according to Smart (1968) is
for religion to create into pupils’ certain capacities to understand and think
about religion.
Abbott, W.
(1966). Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation.
Document of Vatican. New York: Guide Press.
Mayer, R. (2001). Multimedia Leaning. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Paivio, A. (1971). Imagery and verbal processes. New York:
Holt, Rinehart and
Postman, N. (1985). Amusing ourselves to death. Public discourse in the age of
Show business. London: Methuen.
Smart, N. (1968). Secular Education and the logic of Religion. London: Feber
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